Platelet-Rich Plasma in Melasma—A Systematic Review
Platelet-Rich Plasma in Melasma—A Systematic Review
Sarkar, Rashmi MD, FAMS*; Gupta, Meghna MD, DNB†
Dermatologic Surgery: October 11, 2021 – Volume – Issue – doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000003266
BACKGROUND Melasma is a common relapsing hyperpigmentation disorder, which is often difficult to treat. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a novel modality often used to treat acne scars, androgenic alopecia, chronic wounds, and skin rejuvenation. Recently, it has had a promising role in the treatment of melasma.
OBJECTIVE To review the published evidence on the efficacy and safety of PRP in the treatment of melasma.
MATERIALS AND METHODS A systematic review was performed. A meta-analysis could not be performed because of methodological differences across studies and data heterogeneity.
RESULTS Seven studies were fulfilled and analyzed. Most studies used intradermal injections of PRP and have shown significant improvement in melasma. Microneedling mediated delivery of PRP has been tried in melasma with good results. A single study showed no additional benefit of PRP in patients treated with topical tranexamic acid. Another study showed no benefit of intense pulsed light in patients treated with intradermal PRP.
CONCLUSION Platelet-rich plasma inhibits the melanin synthesis through its various components acting through several mechanisms. It demonstrates a moderate grade of recommendation according to the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine 2011 standards.